Wednesday, September 30, 2009

i watching watching music videos of Ss501 ytd nite and i came across quite a lot of variety show videos of Ss501 which happens like last yr n very funy. so i will post up and can see. =)

haiz..some shows canot post coz the embled is being disabled. =_=
nvm i will post Ss501 solo collection drama, wa nice sio and the song also nice..hehe

[in dis mv, kyu jong is a bad guy but he rely dun have d bad guy look sia! lol he rely look like 'guai bao bao' lo. But still love him to bits! =p]

[i thik all these shld be wad i watched but still got more except tat canot post.]

ps: actually got alot of MVs and live performance but i thik dun post liao coz dis post super long


blog her post @ 1:13 PM

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

oh my oh my!! i havan finish my PP!!! i die die also muz finish by 2mr!!! hmm...

ok nowadays, i have been watching Ss501 videos and is super nice la!! especially their concert..i was wondering if singapore got sell their concert DVd, i wan to buy sia..then i also watching one korean variety show called 'star golden bell' and got Ss501 inside sia..super funy.

Out of the 5, i still like kyu jong the most. Thats y i bought both Teens and Teenage lo, got d 5 of them as cover page leh..hahaha, but sad dun have their poster =(

(Handsome hor!)
Ss501 rox!! =)

hmm heard that they are coming to singapore for concert, but dun koe when sia coz i went to wiki n search for their profile and it nvr mention Singapore. But i koe tat the concert is already held in korea, seoul. First concert sia!! Cool!! Juz hope when they come to Singapore for concert, i will have enuf money to buy for d first few seats i muz start saving alot of money liao!!! =)

But i went to DSP entertainment website to look for Ss501, n canot enter lo coz they say dun koe wad block the website..then canot allow me to enter..sad. I was watching an interview video of kyu jong ytd on youtube ma, then he say if wan to chat wif him can go to his home page to leave comment or write email to him, then he will try his best to reply. tats y im dying to find his email/home page, then can chat wif him ma, coz in fact he's quite a quiet person in private compared to on tv..but he's also a funy person..hehehe (love him to bits!!)

haiz, juz pray n hope i can find his email and can chat wif him lo which i koe is like mission impossible! =(

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blog her post @ 5:56 PM

Friday, September 25, 2009

OMG!! New Moon is coming to Singapore on 3rd of dec'09 and i got d poster!! hehe coz i bought teens..wa edward handsome sia, jacob least he cut his hair n he look nicer than twilight. lol
I can't wait for the movie to come!! coz i watched the trailer and its super nice, i can say nicer than twilight lo.

Ok like i said, i was in d midst of doing my PP and i decided to change my topic to Ya Kun coz i canot do on Giant anymore, like d net have very limited resources abt giant so no choice. And d deadline to submitting my report is in 2 wks time. i koe i can finish, but i thik will get rejected wan lo coz d plagarism rate confirm will over 10% wan. I see all my frenz hu submit the report some got rejected coz d plagarism rate over 10%. So i muz try my best to reduce the plagarism rate, and intend to complete the report by sunday. So if my report is rejected, then i still got time to re-do it. JIAYOU!!

But now i koe its not easy to do final report liao lo coz have to look for alot of information leh, not like d scope, can write a brief description of what am i doing for report. hmm, but after report approved, muz thik of my poster presentation liao coz if fail, next yr muz re-do d whole thing lo.
haiz, i juz saw mu UT3 results at LEO n u koe wad?! it sucks! like i study so much and i still fail 1 module, which statistics.
i actually study and koe my work lo, then still in d end my grade is C lo,juz pass..u can imagine my 3 UTs all got d same result. E
Then for my OP n IM, i got D+ lo. Only ECD is d best, B..haha can say out of d 3 UTs, dis is d best

haiya anyway over liao, juz work hard for my sem 2 lo..i muz pass all my UT lo, but i thik my 3.0 pt of GPA fly away liao.. =_=

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blog her post @ 3:20 PM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

click picture to view result.

ok d above picture is my GPA for yr 1 n 2..but d results suck totally!! especially for yr 2!! i dun koe y i did so badly..actually i can score well but coz my yr 2 pull all d grades down..n now wan get a grade of 3.0 is like Mission Impossible!!!

I saw my results like dis is abit sian lo coz i thot i did well for my UT3, hu koes it end up like tat..haiz maybe coz my UT2 did super bad, tats y d module grades are like all C n C+ lo..
Juz hope i can do better for sem 2 n try to get a 3.0 for GPA. i wonder how to tell my parents lo.. =_=


blog her post @ 1:52 AM

Monday, September 21, 2009

hmm nowadays i have been waking up late leh like i woke up after 12pm lo..maybe coz i slept late ba..i slept around 3 plus - watching drama non-stop..hehe =p

ok lets talk abt ytd morning, i was sleeping soundly n facing my sis but suddenly she sneeze. ok sneeze nvm, but u koe wad?! She sneeze onto my face!!! ahhhh!!! haiyo i was sleeping wan leh, then she like tat..she started laughing. so i told her "next time u wan to sneeze, u face d other side, dun sneeze on my face", then i go back to sleep like nth happen coz i too tired liao ma..hehe
So after i woke up, she keep laughing n laughing, then i started laughing..she say when she went to d clinic to see doc, she was laughing to herself becoz of this matter n d auntie beside her was staring at her thiking she is

Then in d afternoon, i went to chinatown market wif my parents n sis coz they wan to go buy fresh fish ma, wa i thot at around 4 plus, the market shld close liao will left with groceries stall, but hu koes still got some seafood stall still open lo. So my dad bought 2 steam fish, hehe ltr lunch time got steam fish to eat liao!! WOHOO!! =)

After tat we decided to go back to amk to eat d tze char coz channel 8 is broadcasting a tze char show ma n they got intro amk where got nice tze char to eat. So we went to amk ave 3, blk 202 to eat n wa alot of ppl sia!! have to wait for seats wan leh..we went at 5 plus then already got alot of business liao lo, can imagine how much they earn everyday!!! But we waited for around 20 mins b4 out food came sia..n d food is super nice!!! muz go there n eat again!!! hehe

Hmm 2dae i dun thik im going out coz i having my 'da yi ma', then got cramp..pain sio..but also hungry coz i nvr eat breakfast!!
Then im going to sch 2mr wif bi bi, yu shan n jas to do our PP final report coz we nid to go see d PP gallery in d library so tat will have a rough idea of wad to do ma. If not im real stuck!!

ok n my mum is very angry liao for no reason she start scolding n scolding saying no one wan to help her n wan to see her work until she drop down..i dun koe y she suddenly thik dis way..this she started to nag n shout n cry. haiz, my mum is always like tat, forever so random for no i thik juz let her cool down n ok liao.

But actually i feel quite sorry to my clique leh coz d last few wks they have been asking me to go out wif them to celebrate birthdays or juz go for outing, but i nvr go. Reason being i have my own schdeule and canot change or sometimes i rely canot go out..haiz, maybe i do not have as much freedom as previously ba coz my dad's income is not quite stable and i keep asking money frm him like no gd, but i dun wan to go out to work, lazy!!

Thus, i guess now i can go out liao but canot always go coz always need alot of money leh..then sometimes go out wif clique, they rely spent alot of money n i only have a certain budget so tats y i have to control myself frm always going out. N sometimes i juz hope they can also have a certain budget and dun always go to so expensive places. Actually food courts or fast food restaurants are also a good place to have meals, hmm even hawker centres also alot of money leh..but watch movie usually muz go when there are student prices so tat can also save money. Well i guess if wana spend alot of money muz wait till the economy turns better lo. =)

PS: well actually no offence to any ppl in typing out wad i thik in dis post becoz i always spend alot of money on uncessary stuff and tats d reason y my parents actually banned me frm going out. Coz they say whenever i go out, i will have to spend alot of money and even when i buy presents also will have to spend alot of money.

Tats y im so sorry frenz, i do not buy birthday presents for u n juz wish u a happy birthday coz i have a limit to my spending.


blog her post @ 1:03 PM

Saturday, September 19, 2009

yea!! its finally raining n its so cold to sleep!!! i was freezing cold and some more still on d air-con juz now when i was sleeping. So now have to wear jacket and close d windows to prevent d rain frm splashing.

oh my ear is getting better liao, but its starting to itch abit.. its not red liao n d swell is getting down, but i still have to apply the cream to make it swell totally n i actually learnt my lesson to not turn my stud coz by turning my stud means not letting d flesh inside my ear to recover..oh i can imagine tat now!!! =p

blog her post @ 11:27 AM

Friday, September 18, 2009

ytd, my sis was sick n in d afternoon, i took a cab wif her down to my mum shop coz her next door is a clinic. So she brought my sis to see d doctor and buy a infection cream for me coz my ear was swelling ma..wa then after applying the cream, my ear got better and d swell goes down slowly bit by bit. Juz hope tat it will get well soon lo.

haiz, my PP final report still havan start doing sia, i rely need to go back to sch to see d PP gallery liao.. so i trying to jio some of my classmates to go back and also need to search for information regarding my topic..hmm i muz start doing liao coz d deadline is 8th Oct sia..

But this 3 wks of holidae, u have been slacking at hme n watch drama..but also got go out wif my frenz la..hehe =)

Finally im left wif 2 wks of holidae!!! SIAN!!!


blog her post @ 11:13 PM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh my!! Blogger is working fine now for d moment, so i can upload pics liao..hehe

eh but my left ear quite swollen sia since ytd coz i keep turning my ear stud then coz d meat inside my ear hole to not recover properly. But i scared if i dun turn, then my skin will stuck at the stud leh..then if wan turn will be very painful. My alcohol also finish liao, dry up fact. So its also quite itchy sia? i super scared tat my ear will be infected leh, then ltr the swell dun go mum also dun let me take out the stud coz say ltr will be like her, take out the stud then nvr look after, coz her ear to become swollen and go for operation to cut away the swollen part. haiz sian..i dun koe wad 2 do sia, i rely hope d swell can go down lo..but i SUPER wan to turn d stud leh, now my parents say canot turn let it recover by itself.


ok i went to d net n search for Boys over flowers phone n i found it!! its called haptic pop n d model is W735

dis is d back of the haptic pop phone. So many designs!! cool!!!


blog her post @ 12:53 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009

ok blogger is rely having big problems!!! d photo upload doesn't work!! y like tat?! =(


hmm i watching K.O sanguo last nite n actually cried alot at epsiode 29 coz its damm sad leh..i juz like canot stop crying coz d story for dis episode juz make me cry. When i watch dis drama, i dun rely cry much but becoz dis episode talks abt how (脩)刘备 is leaving 孙尚香, n is making both of them miserable. But lucky d real 刘备 got out of d show at d moment coz he's injured n how dis couple go back together again..hehe so 终极三国 is getting nicer n nicer, wa it rely makes me feel like buying d dvd sia!!!

I haven't start my PP final report!! how sia? i super lazy to do coz i muz do a lot of preparation leh..haiz sian...
But i will start soon, within dis wk coz d deadline is when sch starts..i muz pass my PP lo.. 

ok now i wan 2 continue to watch my drama blog next time!! =)


blog her post @ 11:11 PM

Thursday, September 10, 2009

wo!! its been 1 wk plus since i last blog!! Coz my adaptor spoil then i canot use laptop. so until 2dae then i went to acer with hui xin to change a new adaptor. wa lucky no nid 2 pay money sia coz got warranty but at 1st i scared need to pay as d adaptor is freakng ex leh!! 100 plus lo if i muz buy thank goodness!! hehe =)

eh so now i can use laptop, i can continue watching my drama liao but sad thing is my facebook games frm top few to d back liao. So i muz chase back the rank n be d top 3!! =)

Oh n i going out wif d wuhan gang 2mr. wa very long nvr see them lia, guess everybody change alot lo..hehe juz hope 2mr's outing will be fun n exciting!! =)

ok gtg now coz i wan to watch my fated to love you!! Favourite taiwan drama of the year!! =)


blog her post @ 9:55 PM
Her Beautiful Profile♥
Jia Ying Vanessa

Create Your Badge kyu jong
Vanessa Tay Jia Ying

18 yrs old

24th december 1991

chij st. nicks

guangyang secondary

republic poly

school of engineering 2nd yr, DIPLOMA IN SUPPLY-CHAIN MANAGEMENT

VaNvAn's quote : 只要笑一笑,没什么事情过不了。:D

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